Tuesday, August 19, 2008

today = resignation

So I finally broke down and reformatted my hard drive...twice. It's a struggle. I know my computer is an idol and a stumbling block but I feel so...idle...without it. And idleness is a great purveyor of idolatry. So it's a lose-lose situation. Currently listening to Pandora which is either great background music or a distraction to coherent thought. While plugging great web 2.0 sites, check out the greatest IM client ever. I was thinking yesterday that I should put up some of my old poetry on this blog...so look forward to it...or don't. If I ever get another creative streak I may create some new original content...but for now 'new content' means building a new game engine...a process that takes way too long. Though to let my loyal readers in on a secret...I have been hard at work to develop a new, hopefully cool looking, 2D-side-scrolling-but-so-much-more game engine...which may turn out to be a complete flop. So now that my computer is running will I be online more...writing nonsense at XX words/min? meh...we'll see. Done.


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