Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hair = shorter

Finished watching the last of Lost season 4 today. I'm free. Big John is currently playing the guitar in our living room. Er, now he's not. I got a french press for my birthday...and let me tell you, it makes amazing coffee. And yes, I firmly believe that caffeinated black coffee is the only real coffee. Feel free to disagree. Completed the alpha for the game I'm developing (well the second alpha...but the first one was too buggy to even be called an alpha). Oh and I got my hair cut today...it is much shorter. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been this short in a good long time. There is leftover spaghetti sauce in the house fridge from last week. Chelsea told me that spaghetti sauce goes bad...which is news to me...but don't worry...this sauce is fine. I need to buy a new AC adapter for my computer...right now I have my laptop set up in the kitchen as that is where the only good outlet is for plugging in my cord. But of course...I'm going to keep procrastinating on buying a new one until it's too late. Da well. I am thinking about buying a new bike. There is a good one at Art's Cyclery. Done.


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