Wednesday, January 28, 2009

focus = lost

I got three and a half hours of sleep last night.  Not optimal.  My ability to focus on anything right now is minimal.  It may be my curse that God has gifted me with the desire and ability to do so well academically that often my sanity is sacrificed for it.  But I'm going to sleep soon.  A passage for you to meditate on; Matthew 22:1-14.  And a blog for you to read; I'm all in, but only by His strength from my friend, and sister in Christ, Chelsea.  Of course, you can always see what blogs I am following by checking the sidebar under "what Jaiqu reads."  My father recently wrote an interesting post on his blog entitled; I didn't win the lottery.  He brings up many interesting points I wish I had the focus and background to address now.  I hope to write a post in the future addressing the seemingly most controversial of the five points of Calvinism; limited atonement.  I'm not decided yet though.  I know that the Bible makes many statements that, at least on the surface, seem to state that Christ died for everyone's sins.  But at the same time, limited atonement follows logically from the other points of Calvinism which are all backed extensively by scripture.  So I am intrigued by the controversy and seek to delve deeper into what scripture says on this topic, for we must submit to scripture and not to human understanding.  In all things, God is good.  Praise God that He saved me.  Praise God for those He has, is and will save; they are my family in Christ.  Done.


Monday, January 19, 2009

romans = encouraging

Romans 8 is incredibly encouraging.  Here is a shotgun snippet of Romans 8 that I have found encouraging today: Romans 8:1-4, 15, 18, 26-39.  But really you should read all of Romans 8.  Or better yet, all of Romans.  Or better yet, the whole Bible!  Praise God.  His will will be done.  Done.


Monday, January 12, 2009

micro = more

I realized today that if I updated my facebook status even slightly more often it could be considered microblogging.  It's funny how microblogging is something you do more often and not less.  I mean, I find that seems that the word micro should have a temporal and not just spatial meaning.  But it doesn't in this case.  Da well.  Well I won't let facebook take away from my 'real' blogging.  Unfortunately, I have nothing more to say right  Done.


Monday, January 5, 2009

neck = hurts

I now know what helmets are for...they are for keeping you out of the hospital.  So a curb jumped in front of just appeared right in front of me.  I hit it pretty hard and flew off my bike.  Praise God that He has gifted me with fairly good reflexes; I automatically went into a roll.  Unfortunately I rolled right over my head.  Since I was wearing a helmet all I got was a headache and not a trip in the ambulance...again.  I'm fine now, thank God.  Just scrapes and a sore neck.  Damn curbs.  Done.
